Palm Sunday 2022 - Get All Excited About Jesus!

The first day of Passion week – Staying Strong and True to Christ!

Get All Excited About Jesus! 

We are grateful to our LORD to be back in person this Palm Sunday - Now let’s go way back into time 2,000 years ago. 

ILLUST. Picture yourself standing on an old dirt and weathered stone road leading into an ancient city. The sun shines into your eyes as the afternoon rays make it difficult to see what all the commotion is about. As you make your way down the road you notice a crowd rapidly building front of you. People are leaning over the low stone walls and one another. You see all kinds of children and moms and dads are waving leafy palm branches around, puzzled you turn around to see a man riding towards you. And immediately you recognize that something is not right, he is not riding on a horse as a mighty king commonly would, he, he is riding…a colt of a donkey? Yet, with unbridled happiness men, women and children are shouting and dancing, they are laying down their cloaks and palm branches for this man riding by. Could this be Jesus? The prophet everyone has been talking about? The Miracle worker here? In your city? Someone freely hands a palm frond to you.  Instantly you find yourself waving and praising God caught up in the moment with the crowd, surely this will be a day you will not soon forget. HOSANNA HOSANNA!

           Close your eyes and imagine the scene for a moment.  It is true we live in time and in a day we are likely to never forget – we feel discouraged and under attack by an invisible foe a virus bent on destruction, sent, it would seem from the very pit of hell.  Once again, I ask you to, for a few minutes, set that aside the cares of life and be encouraged.

This Sunday we will begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday. This day commemorates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It is a day that we are asked to rejoice, to wave palms, to picture ourselves in that crowd, be a part of that moment. And yet the whole time, we know what is coming as the week carries on. We know that Palm Sunday turns into Maundy Thursday (Jesus ministering by washing feet and sharing one Last Supper), and from there we enter Good Friday and the death of Jesus. Followed by the greatest victory of all -- Jesus resurrection from the dead!

 READ Luke 19:28-38  The Triumphant Entry.  

 Why the palm branch?  It is a symbol of victory, triumph, peace, and eternal life originating in the ancient Middle East and Mediterranean world. ... A palm branch was awarded to victorious athletes in ancient Greece, and a palm frond or the tree itself is one of the most common of signs for Victory in ancient Rome.

Today, Christians around the world are celebrating Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (which we usually call “Palm Sunday,” because the crowd welcomed Him by spreading palm branches in His path). Those who greeted Him were convinced He was the Messiah (or “anointed one”), sent by God to establish His Kingdom on earth.

That is what happened on the first Palm Sunday, the day Jesus entered Jerusalem "gentle and riding on a donkey." He entered in fulfillment of prophecy. But something else happened that very day as well. While Jesus was making his triumphal entry, the priests were praising God at the Temple. See, it was the first day of the week, and according to their custom of that day the priests were reciting

Psalm 24:

Lift up your heads, O you gates;

be lifted up, you ancient doors,

that the King of glory may come in.

Who is this King of glory?

The Lord strong and mighty,

the Lord mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads, O you gates;

lift them up, you ancient doors,

that the King of glory may come in.

Who is he, this King of glory?

The Lord Almighty—

he is the King of glory (Psalm 24:7-10).

 So the people in the streets and the priests at the temple were asking the same question: "Who is this King?" The people said it was Jesus. The priests said it was the Lord Almighty. And in a way that nobody could yet understand, they were both right, because Jesus is the Almighty Lord.

But not everyone in Jerusalem welcomed Him; the very next verse says that “the whole city was stirred and asked, ‘Who is this?'” But soon many turned against Jesus and demanded His death: “‘What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?’ Pilate asked. They all answered, ‘Crucify him!'” (Matthew 27:22).

However, we are looking at the first day of Passion week – In my message titled Get All Excited About Jesus

 1. We stand in AWE of JESUS.

READ Matthew21:1-11

At the beginning of Christianity there was a sense of awe. At the start there was no institutions. There were no rules, and not even any fixed teaching. In the beginning there was an encounter with Jesus.

A Man who appeared. He was born of a woman. He came from a certain tribe, a certain town and spoke a certain language. A Man who ate, slept, sweated and could be touched. A Man finally who suffered, bled and died naked on a cross.

A Man who shattered the limits of what was humanly possible. He healed many with sovereign authority over all diseases, over all demons – thousands of them – authority over the wind, waves, the storm and even over created matter like wine and water.

And so, we as His church remain in awe. ​“What kind of man is this whom even the wind and sea obey?” (Mark 4:41), asked the disciples. Who is this Man who died and yet lives? And today? Can we stand in awe again? We certainly need to. Jesus - we need a sense of awe before Him. Our attention captured by Him.

When were you last struck with awe for Jesus?

PSALM 33:8 Let the whole world fear the Lord,
and let everyone stand in awe of him.

2. We should be CHEERFUL, THANKFUL, and REJOICE.

READ Philippians 4:4

This word ,”Rejoice,” is not only joy one time when we get saved. It is re-joy over and over again at His goodness to us – Hosanna “I’m saved,” each day from my sins and enemies. I’m one of God’s children made righteous by His son.

We need to be excited about Jesus. It is a powerful testimony that can get others interested in our Jesus. Perhaps He will then become their Jesus too. Get excited about Jesus today. And let that excitement be contagious to those around you.

 Hebrews 12:28 Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe.

3. We await Jesus’ RETURN.

READ 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18.

The second coming fills us with a hope about the King of kings Jesus. As Charles Spurgeon once said, “Our position towards our Lord is that of waiting for His coming.” We, his children, fix our eyes upon Christ Jesus who came a first time to deal with sin and has promised to come again for us.

Conclusion for today:  Today we have tried to put ourselves into the scene as Jesus and his disciples march into Jerusalem. We join them in shouting Hosanna! To our soon returning King we are in awe with hearts full of joy and thankfulness. We join the Apostle John in the last words of the Bible AMEN COME LORD JESUS

Deliverance - The LORD sets the captives free!

River of Life Assembly

Date:  23 February 2020

Title: Deliverance Series: The Story Subject:  God Delivers His People 

Key People: Moses, Aaron and Pharaoh   

Text: Exodus Ch. 1-7; 10-17 The Story pg. 43-57

This message covers 15 chapters of Exodus The Story pg. 43-57. Here is how it opens.  “Now Joseph his brothers and all that generation had died; but the Israelites were exceedingly fruitful; they had multiplied greatly, increased in numbers and became so numerous that the land was filled with them.”

Time Line: we find “Abram moves to Canaan” in 2091 BC. Then, Moses is born in 1526 BC, which is 565 years later. That’s the span of time between God’s prediction to Abraham in Genesis 15:12-14 and its fulfillment.

The book of Exodus continues the story of God’s dealings with Israel’s descendants that began in Genesis. (1) The length of time between Joseph’s death (Ge 50:26) and the beginning of Israel’s persecution by the Egyptians (cf. v. 11) was about 220 years.  STORY Pg. 44

Exodus 1:22 (NIV)  Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: "Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live."

Texas 3 Kick Rule -- STORY Illustration How to remove the barrier of sin: Use the illustration of the Texas farmer teaching the Chicago attorney how problems are solved on the ranch.  

Every one of us has a sin nature, which separates us from God. It is the number one barrier between us and God, and it also causes our death. Not even your Texas boots can help you remove this barrier; only God has the solution. That’s what The Story is all about: the relentless pursuit of God to remove the barrier of our sin so he can have us back.

Moses says, “Let my people go,” and Pharaoh says “No way, Mosay,” and Moses says, “Yah way.”

The Pharaoh “who did not know about Joseph” was probably Thutmose I (1539-1514 B.C.) (see Ac 7:18). Ordering the death of the male babies of Israel.  Thutmose I mummy has been found but not nice to look at 3,500 old! Some would call Moses discovery by Pharaoh’s daughter a lucky break; we look back and see it was the silent guiding hand of God.

This Hebrew Prince of Egypt knew what he was doing when he killed the Egyptian overseer.  As revealed in Acts 7:23-25, Moses knew he was a Hebrew and that God had called him to deliver the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. Killing the Egyptian was done in an attempt to fulfill God’s call on Moses’ life and bring deliverance to the Israelites, who Moses knew were his kinsmen. But Moses totally was missing the LORD’s plan and Moses was 10 years early in trying to do what God called him to do.

So Moses flees and for 40 years he must of wondered if God was done with him. He was not running from God or trying to put Him out of his mind; he had been seeking God and asking for another chance to be the deliverer God called him to be. Therefore, his interest in this burning bush that was not consumed. Could this be the appointment with God he had been so patiently praying for?

Soon the Story finds Moses before the most powerful man in the world – Pharaoh.  If the date of the Exodus (when the Israelites left Egypt) is set at around 1440 B.C., In that case, the ruling pharaoh when Israel left Egypt was probably Amenhotep II (1447-1421 B.C.). The total time of the Israelites’ stay in Egypt was 430 years (Ex 12:40). It was time for the so long promised Deliverance of God’s special children to unfold. Moses and his brother Aaron came in authority and commanded, not requested, the release of the Jews. This was certain to get a negative response from a man who proclaimed he was a god. It is hard to overstate just how faith-shacking these plagues were on the Egyptians. It was clear to all they spoke for the Lord and not themselves.

(POINT)  1. The CALL of God. The Story, pg. 46; Exodus 3:1-22.  The Lord is ready to move and needs a point man – Moses.  God reveals His great upper story to redeem his people. Moses response is less than positive:   

“Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11 NIV FEAR of Speaking

On the surface, the lower story – God’s choice seems horrible – Shepherd of Median desert; unwanted by the Hebrews, royal failure and murder. God’s response (pg. 46) “I will be with you!  Moses is still weak – who do I say you are?

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14 NIV

As with our lives, the best decision you can ever make, even when you feel inadequate, is to say yes to God.

This is a powerful passage of scripture with deep meaning.  The Hebrew phrase for “I am who I am”: ‘ehyeh ser ‘ehyeh shows the Hebrew term for Yahweh: YHWH.  The Lord states that this will be his name forever (v. 15). (2) It is significant that when Jesus Christ was born, he was called Immanuel, meaning “God with us” (Mt 1:23). Jesus also referred to himself by the name “I am” (Jn 8:58).

 (POINT)   2. God REVEALS His NAME, POWER, and PLAN. Read Story pg. 48  Ex. 6:1-8

Our God is the God of Old, Present and Future.  He was, is and will be. He is the unchanging one - YAHWEY; The Faithful and Dependable GOD; none like Him. God sees differently than us – None of this Story catches Him be surprise.  Moses weaknesses are His best conduit for God’s strength to flow.  Once these people are free everyone will know it was the LORD who did it!

God’s power is revealed in these 10 Plagues each designed to directly confront the gods of Egypt – e.g. Plague 9 darkness (in Egyptian area only!) is against Re – sun god; and Death of Egyptian first born against Isis goddess who protected children.

Read Romans 9:17-18. Since Pharaoh had already made his choice, even to the point that he proclaimed himself to be a deity and commanded the Egyptians to worship him, God was not unrighteous in bringing him into judgment for this. God did not make Pharaoh the way he was, but God used, for His glory, the way Pharaoh had chosen to be. A heart hardened towards God.

(POINT)  3. The REDEMPTION of God. Read Story pg. 52. Exodus 12:1-30

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!” John 1:29 NIV  (The prophetic words of John the Baptist)

For Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed. I Cor. 5:7 NIV

God reveals his plan for the shedding of blood to deliver us from sin and restore his relationship with us.      

Take RED SCARF around your shoulders e.g. Blood over the door posts of our soul.

Application the lower story and upper story of Exodus continues to unfold.  Moses finds himself against a wall again.  The Red sea before him and Pharaoh’s Chariots rapidly closing in on him (pg 54. The Story).  He turns to God for help. Perhaps the same for you.  There’s a wall in front of you.  Behind you is a past you are running from.  Beyond the wall awaits the promise of a new life.  But you’re not moving because there is this “wall.”  You feel trapped.  No way out.  This is just the sort of situation in which God does some of his finest work. 

You need only ask the Israelites.  Behind them was a life of back-breaking work and slavery.  Ahead of them was a life in the land of Promise.  Behind them was the fierce army of a vengeful Pharaoh coming towards them.  Ahead of them was a wall.  Their obstruction was made of water and seemed very wide – in fact, a Sea! Your “wall” may be a fear of failure.  Or maybe it’s a lack of confidence that has grinded your progress to a halt.  Or it could merely be too many problems that have piled up in front of you at the same time. And you have no clue which one to tackle first. 

So you stopped. 

You aren’t sure if there is a way over, around, or under this imposing obstacle.  At this point many people panic.  Anxiety courses its way through the body, freezes muscles, and hesitation overtakes their resolve.  Eyes which once had clear focus now only focus on the barrier just feet away. But some look elsewhere.  The Israelites looked to Moses.  They began belting him with blame.  Have you done the same? Blame the boss.  Blame a loved one.  Blame your dog.  Blame God.  Blame away yet the wall remains.

Moses, opted to look elsewhere.  His options?  He could have looked at the enemy’s army.  He could have looked at the ungrateful people he led.  He could have looked at the wall of water spread out before him, sat down, and given up. 

Instead Moses looked to God.  And God opened an unlikely route through the wall of water.  Safely on the other side, the very wall that had halted their steps closed in on and destroyed the sources of their fears. 

The descriptive name of the book where we find this story serves as a reminder when we face our “walls.”  “Exodus” is a compound Greek word meaning “the way out.”  And in case you might have missed it, the way out was not a better job, a different spouse, or a victim mentality.  No, the way out is God.  Next time you find yourself up against a wall try looking to the LORD

This how we experience Deliverance!

Paul's Last Will and Testimony

2 Timothy is Paul’s last letter and the last words he was given by the Holy Spirit for the Church.

Date:  7 July 2019

Title: My Last Will and Testimony

Pastor Curt Lapham

Subject: Paul, Chrisitan Living, Ministry

Text:  2 Timothy Ch. 1-4


The Apostle Paul; 35 years have passed since his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus.  He writes his beloved ‘Son in the Faith’, one final letter, its been four years since his last letter to Timothy.  Paul knows very well this would be his last letter and represents his final will to encourage Timothy to fight on and serves as his last testimony of faith in his Lord Jesus Christ.  


POINT 1.  God EQUIPS us with POWER, LOVE, SELF-DISCIPLINE. 2 Timothy 1:6-8. 


 Here Paul is reminding Timothy that at times serving as a believer, especially true for those leading some type of ministry, it is going to be tough.  But God has gifted us with everything we will need to be successful in His assignments.  Timothy, was sometimes timid in the past and lacked confidence; but here Paul reminds him there is no need to rely on your own strength.  Paul continues a theme in verse 6, ‘Fan in to flame the gift of God.’  We are reminded by Paul that we must continue to exercise God’s gifts if they are to remain strong and viable; Physical and spiritual truth.


 POINT 2: Be a good SOLDIER for Christ2 Timothy 2:3-4


Paul uses three metaphors, a Soldier, a Athlete and a Farmer, that were so common in the lives of people back then that all people could relate to his main idea in Chapter 2.  

  • The Soldier: You will face a fierce enemy, it will be really hard at times and you will make due without. A good soldier, wants to serve his commander well and this will require you to keep focus on your mission; don’t get distracted.

  • The Athlete only wins when he follows the rules. England’s Women’s soccer team goal disallowed for being offside; didn’t follow the rules = victory for their opponent – Team USA! Paul main idea ‘Timothy you need to follow my teaching for both your personal life and how you lead the Church in Ephesus; if you’re going to have victory for the Lord.

  • the Farmer, baling hay is hard work with long hours, but if you’re faithful in the field, you should reap a good harvest. They speak to us just as well today don’t they.


Corrie Ten Boom – a Dutch Christian women, a watch maker; credited with saving over 800 Jews in WWII.   “Don’t bother to give God instructions; Just report for duty!” “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.” Corrie ten Boom was released from Ravenbrok Womens Concentration Camp on 15 DEC 1944 due to a clerical error.  One week later all the women housed a Ravenbrok were sent to the gas chambers and executed.  This grace of God for sparing her impacted the rest of her life.  She is also famous for the 1970’s book and movie known as the Hiding Place.


 POINT 3Follow our FAITHFUL models. 2 Timothy 3:10-12.


Paul’s charge to Timothy – You know who I am, how I lived out my faith and what I’ve been through.  Follow my lead!  Paul tells Timothy, by God’s grace he had remained steadfast in the faith and effective in service.  Today, we may find difficulties and persecutions, in fact Paul states, in verse 12, “EVERYONE” who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will feel harassment.  But take courage, there are so many examples of men and women that trusted in Christ and finished their race well!


POINT 4: Crown of RIGHTEOUSNESS for the FAITHFUL.  2 TIMOTHY 4:6-8. 


There are five crowns mentioned in the Scriptures that we might receive when the Lord returns.  Paul is speaking here of the Crown of Righteousness; this is not just for him or only reserved for the Apostles – for everyone eagerly awaiting the Lord’s return.  So, what are the criteria to win this crown?  Fighting the good fight. Finish the Race of life. Maintain the faith. Looking for Christ’s return.  This last point was so on Paul’s heart and found throughout his writings that you could imagine Paul most mornings awaking and praying, “Today Lord? Will I see you today?”  Paul seems to have lived each day with such passion and devotion as though it was his last. 


POINT 5Remain on GUARD against the NOTORIOUS2 Timothy 4:14-15


This Alexander the coppersmith may be the same Alexander mentioned in two other places in Scripture, Acts 19:33 and 1 Timothy 1:20. During his travels through Asia, Paul encountered some Greeks who were opposed to his preaching because it was damaging their metal working business. Last week we learned of Demetrius a silversmith in Ephesus who made the silver shrines of Artemis.

Notably, Paul did not seek personal revenge; instead, he wisely turned the matter over to the justice of God, Proverbs 20:22 – “Don’t say, “I will get even for this wrong.” Wait for the Lord to handle the matter. Paul warns Timothy of the fact that Alexander the coppersmith had continued to damage the cause of Christ and had become a personal enemy. Paul is practical here in his advice.  Leave vengeance to the Lord but that doesn’t mean letting our guard down.  


Our Conclusions:   

Paul had Holy Spirit insights to share with Timothy of the tough row to hoe which was in store for Timothy.  In fact, we can read in Hebrews 13:23 that Timothy was imprisoned for his faith.  Paul knew well that to live one’s life for the sake of Christ is often hard and seems thankless.  His desire for Timothy was to be brave, remembering to continue in the things he had learned, drawing on the rich heritage of faith of those who had gone before him.

            Paul’s last words to us, with his execution any day, was full of confidence, “The Lord will deliver me from every evil attack and will bring me safely into his heavenly Kingdom.”  His final statement is a recorded prayer for others, “May the Lord be with your spirit. And may his grace be with all of you.”

I'll Be Back

Second Coming of Christ – the most vital topic for believers today after they have come to faith in Jesus; trusting in the salvation he provides through his work on the cross.

NT Focus is salvation the point of his original coming.  But Jesus second coming is the most prominent subject in the NT – 318 times and mentioned by every author in the N.T. First 300 years church leaders were consumed by the immediacy of His return during the Church’s explosive growth.  Then for 1,200 years the Bible slipped from memory for most and few anticipated Christ’s return (Dark Ages).  All was not lost, 16th Century forward, presses made Bibles in native tongues.  For the last five centuries the Church once again has experienced explosive growth and great interest in Christ’s return;  Why?  The Bible!  Today we look at Mark’s teaching on the return of Christ. 

(I’ll Be Back ) Is not the Famous catchphrase of Arnold Schwarzenegger – 1984 movie “The Terminator.” But More Famous is Christ’s Return. Today Let’s see what the NT says about it in Mark Ch.13 But first review a few other areas in the Bible.

2 TIM 4:8 PAUL really look forward to Christ’s return and a time of receiving a Crown of Righteousness – “eagerly look forward.”

2 PETER 3:8-10 “Suddenly Like a Thief.” He also warned there will be, at that time, many scoffers of Faith in Jesus and his return.

1 Thess. 4:15-18 & 5:1-3 this is Paul’s best teaching on the Lord’s return with many details on how it will happen.  Paul wanted us to encourage other believers with this teaching. He warns all just how unexpected; “Suddenly Like a woman in labor.”

Matthew 24:35-42 & Luke 21:26-36   Jesus Teaching to his disciples about His second coming and how sudden it would be.

Revelation  John Received a complete revelation from Christ regarding the end times in our last book of the Bible

The Study of the End Times is called Eschatology – Greek Eschatos = LAST.   Logy = STUDY.  Eschatology – the study of the last things.  People can make reasonable predictions about what may happen in the future but clearly humans themselves cannot know the future.  Unbelievers have no certain knowledge about any future event.  But we as Christians, who believe the Bible are in a different situation.  Our God knows everything that will take place in history. He never says, “I never saw that coming.” In scripture He has told us about the major events soon to happen in history.  We can have absolute confidence as God is never wrong and never lies. 

All evangelical churches believe Christ will come back for us.  Jesus taught often, “I will come back again for you.”  John ends the Bible with Jesus’ promise, “Surely I am coming soon,” John replies, “Amen. Come Lord Jesus!  Now there are two views of Eschatology held by Christians.  One view is all prophecy necessary for his return has happened and He could come back any moment.  Second view, certain events (Preach the Gospel to all the nations, Revealing of the False prophet and Man of Sin, Salvation of Israel, rebuilding of the temple) must happen beforehand. So some of us see his return immanent while others feel Christ simply can’t return at any moment.  Best view is though unlikely he could return at any moment.  These possible signs should energize our anticipation of His return. 

Mark 12:24  Sadducees - Wrong you don’t know the scriptures nor the power of God.  This was about their terrible mistake about the resurrection of the dead.  We don’t want to repeat the mistake about His Second Coming!

Points for us to consider:

 1. Strong signs in HEAVEN precede Jesus RETURN.   Mark 13:24-25   Now we are certain this has not happened yet but it could happen literally moments before his second coming.

2.  Jesus returns with POWER  and GLORY.  Read Mark 13:26-27 What could be some of the demonstrations of His Power and Glory!  1. All will see it. 2. Leader of an Army of Angels 3. Brings back all the saints with him. 4. Power to resurrect the bodies of all the deceased Christians 5. Gather all Christians alive and elevate them to the sky.  6. Hands out a crown to every believer. That’s power and Glory!

3. Believers can KNOW He is about to RETURN. Read Mark 13:28-29  Jesus tells us, through his story about nature, we all understand; that he has shown us, in the Bible, the easy to see signs He is about to return.

4. Jesus teaches, “Be BUSY and be READY.”

Mark 13:32-37.   Being READY – means staying alert to see the signs just before His return -  and keeping watch Look – I really mean look! He is coming back in the sky on clouds – Lift your head up and keep watching!  Secondly, how do we keep busy?  Jesus has given each of us a unique life’s calling which will change often as we go through life. When He returns let him find you busy and faithful at that assignment – imagine hearing the words, “Well done good and faithful servant.”  MATTHEW 25:23.


 Jesus told us He’s coming back for us;  for me that settles it HE IS COMING BACK!  My assignment according to Mark 13 is a Gatekeeper here at the River of Life – until new orders come down, My job is to protect and sheep and provide for them.  If you are unclear on your assignment – Ask Him and it will be given to you. 

Closing Prayer – Even so Lord come quickly! AMEN!

What's Your Fruit?

Galatians 5:22-23  Three Types of Fruit

River of Life Assembly

Date: JULY 8, 2018

Title: What’s Your Fruit?

Subject: Fruit of the Spirit, Faithfulness

Text:  Galatians 5:16-23, Matthew 7:16-20



Ecclesiastes 12:11-12 (READ)

·       Goads (Long pointed stick) keep us pushed in the right direction.

·       Nails – to fasten and secure in our minds the truth of scripture. This all comes from God (our Shepherd).

·       God’s word is more valuable than all the world’s books and a lifetime of study.


Turn to Paul’s wise words to Timothy – 2 TIM 4: 1-2.   Paul charged Timothy (and really all of us Timothy to follow) to Preach the Bible; Be Ready Always for Christ’s work; Reprove (Correct ignorance), Rebuke (Reprimand) and finally to Exhort (Urge and Encourage).


Do this with patience and by Teaching;  today I will exhort you to consider Paul’s teaching on the Fruit of the Spirit – Turn with me to Galatians Ch. 5


READ Galatians 5:16-25

Works of the flesh (Controlled by our sinful human nature)

15 potential problem areas of our lives. Look all of us struggle with something on the list.


Contrasted by – The Fruit of the Spirit (the lifestyle of the Spirit led Believer who follows both the teaching of Christ and is guided and influenced within by the Holy Spirit) Paul list nine characteristics of Holy Spirit Fruit.


Jesus gives us great insight when he shared a teaching on Trees and Fruit


READ MT 7:15-20   Consider his points  --Remember Jesus’ words Mt 7:16 You will know them by their fruit.


 (SLIDE 5) Let's each - internally - be Spirit led as we move through today and each day... but also, let's practice making decisions, moment by moment, aligned with the Word practicing walking in the Fruit of the SPIRIT.  It is through the Spirit’s power we are able overcome sin in our lives especially true for the acts of the 15 sinful natures Paul list’s in Chapter 5 of Galatians.


1. The Fruit found within us:  LOVE, JOY, PEACE

1)    Love – Joyfully serving another for their good, not to get something in return.

a)    Opposite:  HATE - resulting in the harm of others.

b)    Counterfeit: LUST - Affection shown to others for selfish reasons; how they make you feel. 

2)    JOY - Delighting in the  blessings of God and the salvation he gives us in Christ even in difficult times.

a)    Opposite:  Despair and a lack of hope.

b)    Counterfeit: Excitement and endless pursuit of happiness.

3)    PEACE - Confident assurance that God loves us and will prevail.

a)    Opposite:  Worry and anxiety.

b)    Counterfeit: Apathy and Rebellion.

2. Fruit we offer to others:  PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS. 


1)    PATIENCE – Longsuffering; The ability to endure and rest in His care not becoming angry at God when his timing doesn’t match our own.

a)    Opposite:  Bitterness and resentment toward God; angry with others.

b)    Counterfeit: Self-righteous; it pretends concern for others. 

2)    KINDNESSGentleness; empathy, compassion, and help for others.

a)    Opposite:  Hurting others and harsh.

b)    Counterfeit: Offering help to control others or promote self.

3)    GOODNESS - Doing right, helping others and honoring God.

a)    Opposite:  Injustice and evil.

b)    Counterfeit: Pretending to care; Offering honest words in an insensitive way without love.


1)    FAITHFULNESS – a firm loyalty, sense of duty, reliability to Christ and living up to our commitment to him; ability to trust God at His word.

a)    Opposite:  Distrust, swings from committed to absent, slacker

b)    Counterfeit: Being loyal out of self-righteous pride. 

2)    GENTLENESSMeekness; acting like one that you follow e.g. Christlikeness; merciful; sensitive to the needs of others. 

a)    Opposite:   Harshness; Pride; Thinking you are superior leading to crushes others to make yourself look better.

b)    Counterfeit: words of self-deprecation are said so that others affirm us by lifting us higher.

3)    SELF-CONTROL – Mastering our passions, emotions, and desires. Temperance – a living in moderation.

a)    Opposite:  Impulsive living in the moment.

b)    Counterfeit: Doing it on your own without God’s help -- Pride.

As you walk out your life be Spirit led see life as being led by Him and the fruit will grow in you and bless others.


The Spirit says to us today – it’s easy to tell when someone is led by him – Their lives will be marked by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control.

a.  The Fruit found within us.

b.  Fruit we offer to others.

c.  Fruit we offer to God.

Remember Jesus’ words Mt 7:16 You will know them by their fruit.

Paul’s final comment is that there is neither an exception or law restricting us from living by these Christian character qualities known at the fruit of the Spirit.  



Momentum Ruth Ch. 3



River of Life Assembly


Pastor Curt Lapham

Date: 21 JAN 2018

Title: Momentum   

Subject: Sovereignty, Hope, Momentum

Text: Ruth Ch.3, Hebrews 12:1-2


In chapter 2 the mercy of God breaks through just bright enough for even Naomi to see God is truly not her enemy. We meet Boaz, a man of wealth, a man of power, a man of respect, and most importantly a man of God. We learned he is a relative of Naomi's deceased husband. We see Ruth taking refuge under the wings of God in a foreign land and being led mercifully by God to the field of Boaz to glean. And we see Naomi recover from her long night of sorrow as she praises God (2:20): "The Lord's kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead!" Chapter 2 overflows with hope. Boaz is a God-saturated man in his business and personal relations (vv. 4, 10–13). Ruth is a God-dependent woman under the wings of God. Naomi is now a God-exalting woman under the sovereignty of God. All the darkness of we learned of in chapter 1 is gone. God has turned her mourning into dancing. "The Almighty has dealt bitterly with me" (1:20) has given way to "His kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead" (2:20). The lesson of chapters 1 and 2 is surely at least this:

You fearful Christians fresh courage take:

The clouds you so much dread

Are saturated with grace and mercy and will break

In blessings on your head

Today’s message is entitled -- Momentum

        A paraphrase of Newton’s first law of motion states “Unless acted upon by a force an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion.” In other words, unless someone or something does something to change things something that is stationary will stay that way and something that is moving will keep going. For example, a book set on a table will remain in the same place until you or I do something with it. If we apply force to the book and slide it across the table the book will want to keep moving in the same direction and the same speed as we started it moving unless something else applies force to stop it.

Spiritually we’re just like the book and so were the characters in the Book of Ruth. While we may get off to a great start we encounter resistance. In their case resistance came in the form of death.  Hardships and difficulty get in our way and we lose our momentum. Some folks even come to a stop spiritually, and then it’s hard to get them started again—they would prefer to stay put. We certainly see this happen to Naomi. 

God’s word and Holy Spirit often working thru people have been the forces He uses to get us moving in the right direction. While some of us may have not encountered much resistance yet, others of us have already felt like throwing in the towel. We get off to a great start, but then life hits us in the face and we lose our momentum; we slow down, change direction, and if we aren’t careful just stop altogether from walking in God’s great plans.

How can we maintain our spiritual momentum? How can we keep on keeping on for Jesus? This morning we want to answer that important question. Now that we have started the race, how can we finish it well?

Hebrews 12:1-2 - Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. [2] Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Part of this cloud of witnesses, who took the initiative, allowing The LORD to send His best blessing are revealed to us in the lives of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz in this Chapter of Ruth.   

Now for Ruth Chapter 3. The phrase I want you to keep in your mind is "Momentum." The question which chapter 3 answers is, ‘What does a God-saturated man, a God-dependent young woman, and a God-exalting older woman do when they are filled with hope in God’s nature (Recall He is always good)?  And the answer is that they set in motion a "strategic righteous plan." By righteous I mean a desire for doing what is good and right—a zeal for doing what is appropriate when God is seen as sovereign and merciful. By strategic I mean that there is purpose and planning with a mission and end state goal. A Christian can live a passive life which simply avoids evil or risk when it presents itself. But a person who has Holy Spirit inspired momentum takes the initiative in life, filled with vision of what could be - HOPE.

HOPE - One of the lessons I want you to learn from Ruth ch.3 is that 1) hope helps us dream. 2) Hope helps us think up ways to do good. 3) Hope helps us pursue our ventures with virtue and integrity. It's hopelessness that makes people think they have to lie and steal and seize illicit pleasures for the moment. But hope, based on the confidence that a sovereign God is for us, gives us a thrilling strategic righteousness plan. We see it in Naomi in 3:1–5, in Ruth in 3:6–9, and in Boaz in 3:10–15. And the chapter closes again with Naomi full of confidence in the power and goodness of God. So what are the practical lessons we can harvest from this chapter?  Notice - Harvest not Glean!

1. Naomi's Strategy – Provided the PLAN and VISION.

Two things stand out in Naomi's new strategy in verses 1–4. One is that she has a strategy; and the quality of her strategy. The sheer fact that Naomi has a strategy teaches us something. People who feel like victims don't make plans. As long as Naomi was oppressed; as long as she could only say, "The Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me," she could not imagine a better future.

One of the terrible effects of depression is the inability to move purposefully and hopefully into the future. When Naomi awakens in 2:20 to the kindness of God, her hope comes alive and the overflow produces a strategic mission; find Ruth a place of care and security. 

One of the reasons we must help each other "hope in God" (Psalm 42:5) is that only a hopeful church can have the momentum towards a vision of what could be. Churches that feel no hope develop a maintenance mentality at best, and just go through the motions year in and year out. But when a church feels the sovereign kindness of God moving, hope starts to thrive and the church comes alive! A Church that is once again seeking the Lord to know His ways; this is followed by a willingness to help others.  At River of Life Assembly, we call this “Having a Big Heart!”    That’s what we strive for here.

Naomi's aim is clear: Win Ruth a godly husband and preserve the family line. So she tells Ruth to make herself as clean and attractive as possible, go to the threshing floor of Boaz, and after he has lain down for the evening, sneak in, lift up his cloak, and lie down at his feet. Everybody, including Ruth, must respond by thinking, "And just where do you suppose that will lead?" To which Naomi gives the extraordinary answer in verse 4, "He will tell you what to do."

2.     Ruth's Strategy – Do What Naomi SAID and TRUST in the LORD.

Next, we see momentum as Ruth faithfully follows all of Naomi's instructions (v. 5-9). Ruth adds to the momentum when she tells Boaz why she has come. She is lying at his uncovered feet. He awakes and says, "Who are you?" She answers with words unprompted by Naomi, "I am Ruth, your maidservant; spread your blanket over your maidservant, for you are next of kin." Or literally, "You are the redeemer: the one who can redeem our inheritance and our family name from being lost. I want you to fill that role for me. I want to be your wife." She doesn't say it outright. In fact, she is less direct, more savvy of the ancient customs of God’s people; her newly adopted people. She says, "Spread your blanket over me."

An Indirect and Pure Romance – is on display here.

Imagine how fast her pulse was racing when Boaz awoke. Then the all-important words: "I am Ruth . . . spread your wing over your maidservant." There had to have been an immense silence for a moment while Boaz let himself believe that this magnificent woman had really understood his earlier intentions. A middle-aged man in love with a young widow whom he discretely calls "my daughter," uncertain whether her heart might be going after the younger men, communicating the best he can that he wants to be God's protective wing for her. And a young widow gradually and righteously responding. That's powerful stuff!!

3. Boaz's Strategy – BLESS Ruth and MAINTAIN the momentum. 

Now comes response of Boaz in verses 10–15. To hear what he says in the right way, you must remember it is midnight, they are under the stars, and he is looking down into the beautiful face of the woman he loves covered with his own blanket. He wants to seize the opportunity but also act righteously before her and the LORD.

May you be blessed by the Lord, my daughter; you have made this last kindness greater than the first, in that you have not gone after young men, whether poor or rich. And now, my daughter, do not fear, for I will do for you all that you ask; for all my fellow townsmen know that you are a woman of worth.”

And then comes a word of magnificent character and self-control. He says, "According to custom, Ruth, there is another who has prior claim to you and I won't be able to proceed until all things are duly settled with him." The stars are beautiful overhead, it is midnight, he loves her, she loves him, they are alone, she is under his blanket . . . and he stops it for the sake of righteousness, and does not touch her and keeps the Spiritual momentum going. What a man! What a woman!

Lessons to learn from Ruth Ch. 3

Listen, the mood of American life today is, “If it feels good, do it, and to hell with your guilt-producing principles and faithfulness.” But Ruth’s story says to you, “If the stars are shining in their beauty and your heart pounds like a hammer and you two are alone, STOP . . . for the sake of righteous momentum towards God’s best. Don't be like the world. Be like Boaz. Be like Ruth. Profoundly in love. Deep in communication. Powerful in self-control. Committed to maintaining the momentum towards God’s abundant life.

The Story of Ruth reminds us our strength our pathway to security is found in laying ourselves by faith at the feet of Christ just like what Ruth did with Boaz.

Have no doubt, in Christ we have found our Kinsman redeemer.